
Carotid stenosis,

真的是遇到才知道事情大條了= =

Carotid stenosis,顧名思義就是carotid artery塞住了(毆飛)!


首先要治療carotis stenosis的病人,就要區分出兩個東西!

1. symptomatic 或是 asymptomatic

2. complete obstruction或是incomplete obstruction.

要區分symptomatic 或是 asymptomatic的原因是因為asymtomatic的病人,


另外要區分complete obstruction或是incomplete obstruction

原因也是因為complete obstruction的病人,就算去做endarterectomy或是stenting,



例如手上的病人就做了MRA, carotid doppler US, transcranial doppler.

目的應該就是為了確認到底是very stenosis還是complete obstruction 

既然我的病人是屬於very stenosis而且又是symptomatic的,就先研究這一個吧XDDDDD


Surgical treatment 目前就是兩種 stenting跟endarterectomy(CEA).



1.A surgically accessible carotid lesion

2.Absence of clinically significant cardiac, pulmonary,or other disease that would greatly increase the risk of anesthesia and surgery

3.No prior ipsilateral endarterectomy



NASCET trial - North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial 

在1980年代中期,美國的一個針對stenosis of 70 to 99 percent in the symptomatic (ipsilateral) carotid artery的病人,

比較CEA和藥物治療所做的trial,但是被提前結束了,因為CEA的療效太好了= = 

  1. A lower risk of any stroke or death (15.8 versus 32.3 percent)
  2. A lower risk of any ipsilateral stroke (9 versus 26 percent) 
  3. A lower risk of major or fatal ipsilateral stroke (2.5 versus 13.1 percent)
  4. A lower risk of any major stroke or death (8.0 versus 19.1 percent) 


ECST trial - European Carotid Surgery Trial

總共有3024個病人被納入這個比較 aspirin VS  CEA的trial,之後得到幾個結論:

  1. mild stenosis had little risk of ipsilateral ischemic stroke,possible benefits of CEA were small and were outweighed by the early risks
  2. 兩個CEA was beneficial for symptomatic carotid stenosis of 80 to 99 percent
  3. 在進行完CEA之後,至少十年內f/u的期間stroke的比率都比medical treatment



得到了另外一個pooling result(這樣也行XD實在是很方便XDD):

  1. 對於stenosis70%(但是near occlusion例外)以上的病人,CEA有明顯的幫助,比起medical treatment, absolute risk reduction (ARR) 達到16 percent
  2. 對於near occlusion的病人來說,雖然前五年的ARR有5.6%,但是過了五年之後就沒有明顯的幫助ARR是負的。
  3. 對於stenosis在50~69%的病人,在追蹤五年以上ARR4.6可以達percent
  4. 對於stenosis在50%以下的病人,沒有幫助!





(圖片來自uptodate-Management of symptomatic carotid atherosclerotic disease)

  1. 針對70~99% stenosis的病人,在兩周內進行CEA,最高ARR可以達到30.2%
  2. 50~69%的病人ARR則可以達到14.8%,而且過了兩周之後,ARR差距就明顯縮小



  1. An ipsilateral stroke associated with persistent disabling neurologic deficits

  2. Severe comorbidity due to other surgical or medical illness

  3. Total or near total occlusion of the symptomatic ipsilateral internal carotid artery(所以要區分全塞跟沒全塞)

另外還有一些factor是可能動刀後,outcome不太好(30天內可能stroke, myocardial infarction, or death)的:

  1. Older age (>70 years in one and ≥80 years in other studies)

  2. Severe heart disease

  3. Severe pulmonary dysfunction

  4. Renal insufficiency or failure

  5. Stroke as the indication for endarterectomy????其實我也不知道這是甚麼意思...明天去問問XDD

  6. Anatomic issues, including limited surgical access, prior cervical irradiation, prior ipsilateral CEA, and contralateral carotid occlusion

另外一些其他的factor也會影響CEA befenit的程度,例如:

  1. Gender:男>女,perioperative risk of death from CEA is significantly higher in women than in men,而且在50~69% stenosis的狀況下,女性進行CEA是沒有明顯的benefit的。
  2. Retinal versus hemispheric ischemia:hemispheric TIA的術後stroke risk>transient retinal ischemia,
  3. Contralateral carotid stenosis or occlusion:如果是medically treated group的病人,contalateral carotid artery 有 occlusion的病人在同側stroke的機會,是contalateral carotid artery有mild to severe stenosis的兩倍,如果是CEA治療的病人,雖然OP的風險比沒有contralateral stenosis的病人來的高,但是最後的outcome還是比medication組來的好!

所以總結會影響CEA的OP outcome的一些factor:

  1. Patient age

  2. Patient sex

  3. Degree of carotid stenosis

  4. Type of presenting symptomatic event (eg, ocular TIA, hemispheric TIA, minor stroke, or major stroke)

  5. Time since last symptomatic event

  6. Carotid plaque morphology (eg, smooth versus ulcerated or irregular) 



累了,還有carotid stenting,改天找時間再來整理!

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